The Gift Called Life





One day it so happened that GOD was sitting in his abode after creating everything in the universe. He created one of the most mesmerizing planets, “EARTH”, a beautiful paradise where everything was so beautiful and serene.

He was having a chat with his wife, Darling I created everything and it so very beautiful and mesmerizing, but there is no one to enjoy this, what should I do. I cannot go on Earth to enjoy its beauty, due to many other responsibilities.

His wife after thinking for a while said, Lord let’s call up for a meeting with all the other GOD’s, let’s put this question across to everyone, maybe we can get some solution out of that. GOD was very impressed with the idea.

So he sent his messenger across the “HEAVEN” and called up for the meeting, every deity was invited to take part. Everyone came and GOD put across the question, dear friends I created everything in the cosmos, I created this beautiful planet called “EARTH” but there is no one who can enjoy the beauty of this place.

So everyone was thinking for a while, after sometime one of the GOD’s got up and said, OH MY LORD please create your own REFLECTION, GOD became very inquisitive and asked WHAT ? He said Lord, please create a “HUMAN BEING”, GOD was very excited with the idea and immediately created the HUMAN and sent him on earth to enjoy the beauty of this paradise.

After observation for a few days, this TOY “HUMAN” was not working or functioning the way it should, so again GOD became very concerned.

He again asked his wife what should I do, this TOY is not working properly.

Wife Said, Oh Lord, I suggest you call for one more meeting of all the Deities.

So he again sent his messenger across the “HEAVEN” and called up for the meeting once more, everyone came and while everyone was thinking, one more GOD got up and said, Oh Lord, you have created a master piece, but you forgot to install the main device through which the “HUMAN MACHINE” will work, GOD asked and what is that, to which the other GOD said, Lord it’s the “BRAIN”, to which Lord Realised his mistake and immediately rectified his mistake by installing the device “BRAIN” at the top of the human body.

The moment the device was installed, “HUMAN” felt a sense of power and started giving birth to many thoughts, but the first thought that took birth was “GREED”, than “HUMAN” trying to be extra smart shot a question to the LORD, what is my life span, to which LORD was taken aback, but politely replied “ITS 20 YEARS” my son. Human was not at all happy and said if it is 20 Yrs that I have to live, I would not go to earth, because 20 Yrs is too less and it will vanish in no time, I cannot enjoy the beauty and magnanimity of your creation, so “I WILL NOT GO TO EARTH”.

Lord was trying to pursue, but human being was very adamant and said no means no, I won’t go. There was a lot of discussion and tiff between both, where GOD was trying to explain human that he cannot increase his life span as that was written in his book, this cannot be changed once written. There was no solution happening between HUMAN and GOD.

Once again GOD felt really sad and dint know what to do.

So he put his concern to his wife, to which DEVI replied, let’s have one more meeting and get the solution.

So once again message was sent across the “HEAVEN” and the meeting held with this concern, everyone came and while thinking to figure out a solution, One of the most intelligent deity got up got up and said, I suggest to you OH LORD please visit planet “EARTH” you will find the solution there. Lord found the suggestion very interesting and came to “EARTH”, and came to earth,


While roaming around trying to find the solution, he came across an animal “DONKEY”, the poor soul was weeping, GOD is very compassionate so he came to him and asked, why are you crying my dear, “DONKEY” in a very low voice said “OH LORD” you are very compassionate and I am very happy to see you, I am facing lot of issues with a very long life span, LORD asked what are the issues, if I may help you, DONKEY replied my life is too long and a living hell, here domestic animals make me “WORK” all day and wild animals attack me to eat me up, I am feeling very tired working and very fearful by constantly hiding and saving myself, can you do something, I don’t want to live such a long life.

Lord thought for a while and said to himself, well increasing life span I cannot do, but yes decreasing is in my power, than LORD said to the DONKEY, would you be happy if I reduce your life span by 20 Yrs. DONKEY in an instant spark in his eyes said, yes my LORD please do so immediately.

During this time GOD remembered HUMAN, he reduced 20 Yrs of DONKEY’s life and went to HUMAN, asked him if you get DONKEY’s 20 Yrs will it be ok, will you go to EARTH. HUMAN was showcasing his fake smartness, accepted 20 Yrs of DONKEY, but said still it is less, I still will not go.

So GOD said OK since you are my best creation, I will try once more for you, so he came to EARTH again, while roaming he saw a MONKEY and His WIFE “FIGHTING”, so GOD went to them and asked them, I have given you such a beautiful and happy life, why are you guys fighting, than MONKEY said, OH LORD you are very loving and compassionate, you have given us everything, but She keeps on fighting with me with her never ending demands, tells me to “JUMP”, tree to tree and find food all the time, get new stuff all the time and does not let me “REST” either, my life is become very burdensome, please do something and reduce my life, since you have done that for the DONKEY.

Lord after giving a little thought, asked the MONKEY will be good enough if I reduce your life by 20 Yrs, the MONKEY jumped in joy and said yes, my LORD please go ahead and do it immediately.

Again this time GOD remembered HUMAN, he reduced 20 Yrs of MONKEY’s life and went to HUMAN, asked him if you get MONKEY’s 20 Yrs will it be okie, will you go to EARTH. Since HUMAN was very greedy and over smart, he accepted 20 Yrs of MONKEY as well, but said still it is less, I still want you to do something, as even 60 Yrs will be less for me to enjoy.

Now slowly GOD was getting frustrated, but thought and said ok I will try one more time for you, so he came to EARTH once again and while roaming he came across a river bank where a “DOG” was sitting and crying, again GOD became very empathic and went to DOG and asked, my beloved what happened why are you crying, what is wrong, “DOG” turned around and saw LORD, he said OH LORD what a life I have, it’s becoming very ugly to live here, so GOD asked why is it so, than DOG explained, nobody talks to me well, everyone “HURTS” me, everyone treats me very small, DOMESTIC animals don’t speak to me well, while wild animals are always in search of me as a prey. I always live my life in fear and hatred, nobody treats me equal and I feel I am no good. This long life that you have given is now become a STINKER as I am “ILL TREATED” all the time, OH LORD do something, please reduce my life, since you have done that for DONKEY and MONKEY.

Lord gave a very deep thought and asked the DOG will it be ok if I reduce your  life by 20 Yrs, the DOG jumped in joy and said yes, my LORD please go ahead and do it immediately.

Again with these 20 Yrs of DOG he went and gave to the human being ? Will you now go to EARTH ? Again playing his tricks HUMAN accepted 20 Yrs of DOG also, by this time greed had completely taken over HUMAN, so he said I still need a little more, Even 80 Yrs is not enough for me to enjoy.

Now GOD got really frustrated because HUMAN was not getting satisfied and always wanting more and more, so he said to HUMAN, enough is enough, I have now increased your life span by almost 3 Times of what I had actually given you, I went out of the way to do best I could, still you are not satisfied, this is the last and final round that I am going to make, after this if you don’t go, than go or else go to HELL, so now HUMAN understood that now LORD is loosing his cool, so he tried convincing the LORD once more to go for the final time, to which GOD agreed and came to EARTH again. While roaming he came across the earth GOD became tired and was resting below a tree, where this time he met “OWL”, he inquired and found that even “OWL” was not happy with his long life, “OWL” said OH LORD you have created this beautiful planet, but I have a very strange life characteristics, I can only see during the NIGHT’s, during day time wild and stronger predators attack me, the one’s who are less powerful than me, sit beside me and make fun of me that I am blind during the day time, this long life is becoming very tough to live, please help me, OH LORD please reduce my life since you have done for DONKEY, MONKEY and DOG.

Lord was very concerned about this deprived spirit, he asked the OWL will it be fine with you if I reduce your life by 20 Yrs, the OWL was very happy and said yes, my LORD please go ahead and do it immediately.

The Final time GOD went to HUMAN, told him here is your final gift 20 Yrs of OWL, now if you don’t go than there is nothing I can do, you can do what you want. So reluctantly HUMAN agreed, and said OK since you have done so much for me by increasing my life span to 100 Yrs, I am not happy still, but I will go, this way HUMAN came to EARTH.






The 3 Introspecting Questions

1)      You live first 20 Yrs of HUMAN, where every need is fulfilled by your parents, food, shelter, education and what not, “DID YOU DO SOMETHING MEANINGFUL ?” (Kids must learn these at a very early age, SHAHID BHAGAT SINGH WAS VERY CLEAR ABOUT HIS PURPOSE AT A VERY EARLY AGE OF 11 or 12 YRS, FOR WHICH EVEN HE WAS WILLING TO GIVE HIS LIFE)

2)      The Next 4 Stages, you work like a DONKEY to make your Living, after 40(A CORPORATE LIFE, STRESSED, DEPRESSED YET WELL DRESSED), you gain a little experience and start jumping here there and everywhere to make your living a little more better, but “DOES IT BECOME ANY BETTER ?” After 60 Yrs you get tired and are at mercy of your kids “DO THEY TREAT YOU WELL ?” and after 80 Yrs, your whole system becomes slow, disease ridden, where your basic functions are also not performed well and you are lying in a corner of your house or an Hospital Bed, craving for DEATH to engulf you.

3)      Do you want this kind of LIFE ?

Time to Introspect isn’t it ?

Tell this Story to as many as you can, and more importantly tell your kids.

Give this LEGACY to your kids, where they become more Aware and more responsible for their most valueable GIFT called LIFE.




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